Youth Day Campaign 2024


Call for Application:
Y-PEER Indonesia, with the support from Y-PEER Asia Pacific Center is going to conduct the National Y-PEER E-course on Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights: Towards a Sex Positive Attitude. The e-course would provide information about Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) focus on sex positive attitudes and rights with the objectives of educating and advocating through peer-led initiatives. The e-course covers topics such as below.


1. To orient youth advocates on SRHR, sexuality and gender, and interlinkage between SRHR and bodily autonomy as the foundation of respect and consent in humanitarian settings.

2. To strengthen skills of youth advocates for promotion of young people’s sexual rights in their existing work.

3. To provide space for youth advocates from countries in the region for learning and sharing.

Who can join the e-course?

Ø The e-course is open for 30 active young professionals age 15-35 from all networks in Indonesia.

How to register for the e-course?

Ø The registration will be open from 30th September 2022 till 7 October 2022

Ø Interested participants can use the google form linked below to register: (HTTPS://YOUTHDAY.SPACE/E-COURSE/)

Where will the e-course take place, and is there any cost for it?

Ø The e-course will be held online using platforms like Google Classroom and Zoom to engage

and enhance interactions among the participants.

Ø The participants do not need to pay any fees for the e-course.

How long does the e-course take to complete?

Ø The e-course will start from 10 October – 22 October a period of 2 weeks consists of 5 sessions where the participants will be engaged in learning sessions, simple activities and tasks and bonding sessions.

What are the topics included in the e-course?

The e-course will cover the following topics:

***Introduction to YPEER and CSE & SRHR

Session 1: Bodily autonomy and knowing your body (The foundation of rights and respect: How

to make your own choice and upright your value) (Janna) – 10/11 October

Session 2: Healthy Relationships, Sexuality and intersectionality (Janna-Indri) – 14 October

Session 3: Sex positive language and Communication, Power and Gender (Sherly) – 17 October

Session 4: Sexual consent and pleasure (Sherly) – 19 October

Session 5: Prevention of sexual exploitation, abuse, and toxic relationships, GBV (Indri) – 22



Duration: 90- 120 Minutes (4-5 hours weekly) from 15:00-17:00 or 19:00-21:00 WIB Jakarta time.

What will you receive at the end of the e-course?

Ø The participants who complete the e-course successfully will receive a “Certificate of Participation” from Y-PEER AP and its partners.

Ø The participants will get the benefits of getting access to all our presentation slides, reading materials and manuals

Ø The participants will get to be part of a wide national networking group

Supported by Y-PEER Asia Pacific Centre, Robert Carr Fund , and Asia Pacific Hub For Peer Education.

Please contact: for any inquiries.